WokinghamFestivaliscoming!Anamazinglineupawaitsover3daysthisAugustBank Holiday (24th-26th).MondaynightheadlinersOzricTentacleswillbebringingtheirmixofpsychedelicrock, progressive rock, space rock, jazz fusion, electronic music and dub to the field!AlsomeetAmandaLehmann,ThatJoePayne,TheParadoxTwin,StormDeva,and many more!Full 3-day lineup and advance tickets available at: https://www.wokinghamfestival.co.uk
NEW BDP ARTISTHFMC - Hasse Fröberg & Musical Companion
We're delighted to welcome HFMC (Hasse Fröberg & Musical Companion) to the BDP family!
Hasse is well known for his contribution for more than two decades as singer/guitarist in The Flower Kings, as well as his work with the Swedish hard rock band Spellbound during the eighties. HFMC also consist of Sampo Axelsson (bass guitar), Kjell Haraldsson (keyboards), Anton Lindsjö (guitar) and Ola Strandberg (dums). The band members have played together with names like Glenn Hughes, Michael Schenker, Jeff Scott Soto, Joe Lynn Turner amongst others… HFMC has a warm and unique sound of their own with influences from progressive rock, classic rock and even a hint of pop.
The new album 'Eternal Snapshots' will be released on June 6, 2024.
KristofferGildenlöwhasannouncedhisnew album ‘Empty’
Netherlands & Germany, thanks to everyone involved and who attended the shows. It was truly wonderful to spend this time with you, just before Christmas.Merry Christmas everyone!
We're delighted to welcome the immensely talented Camille Bigeault to our session musicians section!
CamilleisadrummerandmusicianfromToulouse,France.Acomposerandmulti-instrumentalist,sheisknowninthedrumfieldforherabilitytosuperimposelayersof different time signatures, creating what we call polyrhythms, and from that, developed a unique personality on the drums.FB page: https://www.facebook.com/Camillebltdrums
And don't forget you can contact us if you are looking for professional talented musicians to collaborate on your album! Check out our session musicians section HERE
We are thrilled to announce the launch of “Last Night of the Progs”, our inaugural quarterly Prog Rock night at The Butler, one of Reading, UK’s premier music venues!Join us for an unforgettable night filled with exceptional music and a stunning lineup that you won't want to miss. We can't wait to see you there!*First Night of the Progs – Saturday 16th November 2024*Hoopy Frood + John Mitchell + John Hackett BandTickets: https://wegottickets.com/event/634448Last Night of the Progs - Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/871165237977396First Night of the Progs - FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/334250666382614
BadDogPromotionsisthrilledtoannouncethattherenownedsupergroupO_R_kwillembarkonanelectrifyingUKtourinMay2025,sharingthestagewithThe Paradox Twin for an unforgettable series of live performances! (Southampton, London, Kidderminster and Huddersfield).O.R.k.bringstogetheraninternationallineupofprogressive,alternative,andart-rocktalent,featuringAustralianbassistColinEdwin(ex-PorcupineTree),American drummer Pat Mastelotto (King Crimson), Italian vocalist Lorenzo Esposito Fornasari LEF (Obake), and Italian guitarist Carmelo Pipitone (Marta sui tubi). Joiningthem,TheParadoxTwin—formedbysinger,songwriter,andmulti-instrumentalistDannySorrell—hasmadewaveswithitsdebutalbum'TheImportanceofMr. Bedlam' and the highly acclaimed follow-up 'Silence from Signals'.Thistourpromisesanextraordinaryopportunityforfanstodiveintotherich,innovativesoundscapescraftedbytwoofthemostexcitingcontemporaryprogressiverock bands. Ticket links and further details HERE!
We'rethrilledtoannounceourpartnershipwiththeamazingFusionFestival!Thisyear'seditionwillbeanunmissableevent.Thelineupincludes,among others,Amplifier,Godsticks,Lazuli,TigerMothTales,Haze,Karmamoi, Solstice, Kyros, Von Hertzen Brothers, Spriggan Mist, and many more!Check out all the info at fusionprogfestivals.com
Kristoffer Gildenlöw has announcedhis new album ‘Empty’
Wearedelightedtowelcomethetalented KristofferGildenlöwintotheBadDog Promotions family!KristofferisaSwedishmusicianand songwriter,knownasthebassistofthe progressiverockbandPainofSalvation, asessionmusician,andasoloartist.In 2017,Kristofferwasaskedtojointhe legendaryprogbandKayak(NL)asthey reunited for another go.
NEW BDP ARTISTHFMC - Hasse Fröberg & Musical Companion
We're delighted to welcome HFMC (Hasse Fröberg & Musical Companion) to the BDP family!
Hasse is well known for his contribution for more than two decades as singer/guitarist in The Flower Kings, as well as his work with the Swedish hard rock band Spellbound during the eighties. HFMC also consist of Sampo Axelsson (bass guitar), Kjell Haraldsson (keyboards), Anton Lindsjö (guitar) and Ola Strandberg (dums). The band members have played together with names like Glenn Hughes, Michael Schenker, Jeff Scott Soto, Joe Lynn Turner amongst others… HFMC has a warm and unique sound of their own with influences from progressive rock, classic rock and even a hint of pop.
The new album 'Eternal Snapshots' will be released onJune 6, 2024.
Netherlands & Germany, thanks to everyone involved and who attended the shows. It was truly wonderful to spend this time with you, just before Christmas.Merry Christmas everyone!
Camille is a drummer and musician from Toulouse, France. A composer and multi-instrumentalist, she is known in the drum field for her ability to superimpose layers of different time signatures, creating what we call polyrhythms, and from that, developed a unique personality on the drums.FB page: https://www.facebook.com/Camillebltdrums
And don't forget you can contact us if you are looking for professional talented musicians to collaborate on your album! Check out our session musicians section HERE
Wokingham Festival
WokinghamFestivaliscoming!Anamazinglineupawaitsover 3 days this August Bank Holiday (24th-26th).MondaynightheadlinersOzricTentacleswillbebringingtheir mixofpsychedelicrock,progressiverock,spacerock,jazz fusion, electronic music and dub to the field!AlsomeetAmandaLehmann,ThatJoePayne,TheParadox Twin, Storm Deva, and many more!Full 3-day lineup and advance tickets available at: https://www.wokinghamfestival.co.uk
We are thrilled to announce the launch of “Last Night of the Progs”, our inaugural quarterly Prog Rock night at The Butler, one of Reading, UK’s premier music venues!Join us for an unforgettable night filled with exceptional music and a stunning lineup that you won't want to miss. We can't wait to see you there!*First Night of the Progs – Saturday 16th November 2024*Hoopy Frood + John Mitchell + John Hackett BandTickets: https://wegottickets.com/event/634448Last Night of the Progs - Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/871165237977396First Night of the Progs - FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/334250666382614
BadDogPromotionsisthrilledtoannouncethatthe renownedsupergroupO_R_kwillembarkonan electrifyingUKtourinMay2025,sharingthestagewith TheParadoxTwinforanunforgettableseriesoflive performances!(Southampton,London,Kidderminster and Huddersfield).O.R.k.bringstogetheraninternationallineupof progressive,alternative,andart-rocktalent,featuring AustralianbassistColinEdwin(ex-PorcupineTree), AmericandrummerPatMastelotto(KingCrimson), ItalianvocalistLorenzoEspositoFornasariLEF (Obake),andItalianguitaristCarmeloPipitone(Marta sui tubi). Joiningthem,TheParadoxTwin—formedbysinger, songwriter,andmulti-instrumentalistDanny Sorrell—hasmadewaveswithitsdebutalbum'The ImportanceofMr.Bedlam'andthehighlyacclaimed follow-up 'Silence from Signals'.Thistourpromisesanextraordinaryopportunityforfans todiveintotherich,innovativesoundscapescraftedby twoofthemostexcitingcontemporaryprogressiverock bands. Ticket links and further details HERE!
We'rethrilledtoannounceourpartnershipwiththe amazingFusionFestival!Thisyear'seditionwillbean unmissableevent.Thelineupincludes,amongothers, Amplifier,Godsticks,Lazuli,TigerMothTales,Haze, Karmamoi,Solstice,Kyros,VonHertzenBrothers, Spriggan Mist, and many more!Check out all the info at fusionprogfestivals.com